It was a SPECIAL day today as I got to interview the genius Anik Singal.
He is not only an iconic online entrepreneur, but has trained over 250,000 people how to start their online businesses.
Rest assured, the entire interview with Anik is MUST-WATCH from start to finish. We even took on LIVE questions from the audience and had some fun along the way.
There’s two things you need to do after watching the Q&A with Anik:
#1. Enroll in Inbox Blueprint 2.0
#2. Enroll in Copywriting Academy
I look forward to reading and replying to your comments below:
It was great hearing Anik talk about mindset. That’s missing in a lot of trainings. If you have the best programs, plans etc., most of the time you’ll fail if you don’t have a strong, determined, never give up, I’ll figure this out mindset.
Oh Yes Jeff – when Anik talks, I listen. One of his greatest assets that has contributed to his huge success is his MINDSET. It was amazing getting the man spill his secrets.