Strap in, today’s a busy one!
We are continuing to build on the email marketing theme.
Email marketing isn’t something online marketers do just because they can. They do it because it’s highly effective at helping business owners and consumers alike stay connected.
Yesterday we covered 5 Steps To Write An Email Autoresponder That Converts.
To quickly recap, autoresponders are emails designed to get subscribers to take an action. All the while adding to your authority and cultivating a loyal tribe.
There are 5 guidelines to follow when writing your autoresponder emails, they are:
- Clearly Identify Your Promotion or Intent
- Consistently Implements Smooth Flow
- Open with a strong introduction
- Build Relationships With Honesty & Transparency
- Speak to a Specific Customer – Use an Empathy Map
Today, Day 17, we’re actually writing some more emails!
Follow along in the video as Rito channels his inner email writing Zen to produce some killer content. Use his emails as creative inspiration for your own lists.
And remember to have fun with this!
Keep it comfortable for both you and your subscribers. If you’re feeling like it’s a chore to write the autoresponder emails, it’s going to feel like a chore to read them.
6 Converting Autoresponder Email Templates For Any List:
We’re going to pick up from yesterday’s post where we covered our first three emails…
When conducting your email marketing and creating autoresponder emails, the vital component of successful marketing is consistency.
Consistent email marketing is important to your business because it educates your subscribers, boosts sales, and forms a relationship with your readers.
Day 4: Give An Unexpected Gift

This one will definitely catch your subscribers off guard.
Give them a free gift of high value just for being your subscriber.
The amount of gratitude they will feel helps cultivate a sell in the future. When you give, especially unexpectedly, it makes people want to reciprocate.
Day 5: Display Your Products Prowess 
We’ve planted seeds in other emails…
And with this one, we drop the bomb.
We offer our own personal testimonial, proof and a chance to have the “Secret” aka Competitive Edge aka Game Changer revealed.
An email worded in a manner that invokes curiosity, hope and scarcity all in the same message will likely convert.
To fine tune your email game, definitely check out Inbox Blueprint.
Day 6: Off
We are not emailing today.
We want to assume subscribers are using this time to implement. Not too mention we are full aware of the inbox inundation many of us struggle with.
Speaking of implement, use this “off” time to write more emails for the coming week.
Day 7: Offer Private Consulting
By offering private consulting, not only are you potentially creating an additional revenue stream, you’re also continuing to position yourself as an authority.
People don’t want some average schmuck telling them whats what.
They want a seasoned vet who has been in the trenches and knows what it’s like to be in their shoes.
And if you’re interested in some private consulting yourself, I invite you to check out Rito’s private live coaching.
Day 8: Once Again Offer Your Personal Attention
By doing this, we’re still appearing as an authority, but it also gives the impression that we really just might care.
Taking time out of your busy schedule to help somebody, is a surefire way to gain trust. And trust is a surefire way to gain a loyal customer.
Day 9: Show Some Proof
By this point your subscriber knows your intentions but may still be on the fence for whatever reason.
That makes today the PERFECT day for some proof.
Case studies are great for this.
If you decide to go the case study route, you can do so by telling either your own story or better yet, if you can provide it, a client testimonial.
Rito went the route of his own personal journey which puts him on a relatable level with his user.
All the while conveying to his subscriber an idea of “I can do it too!”
Use your autoresponder emails to speak directly to your subscribers as though they were only one person while thoughtfully building trust and loyalty in your brand.
Email marketing can also be integrated with nearly any marketing tactic, which makes email an important part of any marketing campaign.
That’s it for Day 17 – Well done!
If you’re not already being kept in the loop via our #Bizathon2 list be sure to sign up today!
Questions, Comments or just want to say Hi? Please do so in the comments section below.
Success by choice, not by chance.
-David Aston