You’ve probably seen the Copywriting Academy webinar and/or seen the Sales Page (WSL). Guess who worked with Anik, writing the copy and designing both the webinar and the WSL?
Yours truly.
So, stick around because I’ll give you an INSIDER look at Copywriting Academy, and probably the best BONUS that you can get when you enroll in Anik Singal’s legacy course:

I Met Anik BECAUSE of Copywriting
I still remember that first email I sent to Anik about 7 years ago. He had no idea who I was.
That email was how we got connected, became business partners on a few launches, and then practically family.
In that email, I asked Anik if he could recommend someone to write copy for my upcoming product launch (secretly hoping HE would jump on board). I’m not even kidding. Take a look:
Anik has many, many talents – but for me, his #1 skill is the ability to sell.
He’s been through the DIRECT MARKETING age – when he used to write long-form “advertorial” style sales copy.
And now, he’s practically COINED the term: Interactive Marketing
We’re now in the age of Interactive Marketing: where selling is not about using fancy words or hard-hitting copy anymore. In fact, quite the opposite.
Just glance through the copy on this very review page. I haven’t used any fancy words. In fact, I don’t KNOW any fancy words.
All I’m using is the 5-Step Copywriting Formula – it just works…
=> Enrollment Open! Join via The Official Website…
Let me take you on a tour of Copywriting Academy and show you exactly how it can benefit your business.
What’s Inside Copywriting Academy
When you join the Copywriting Academy course, you’re welcomed by a smiling Anik as he explains the next steps.
If you want to make the most out of the training – register for the coaching calls. You just need to register once on GoToWebinar and you’ll be set for all future sessions.
In these coaching calls, Anik’s expert team and every alternate week, Anik himself – get on a teaching spree. They even take questions from the audience (YOU!)
I implore you to join the Facebook Group for Copywriting Academy AS SOON AS you become a member. I have been a part of that group ever since it got started and the community is BUZZING like crazy.
People share their successes, critiques, help each other out – it’s a copywriter’s paradise.
Now that you’re set with coaching calls and Facebook group, let’s dive into each module of the course.
Introduction: The Copywriting Business
This introductory module sets the foundation for your Copywriting business. He tweaks your mindset to understand the why’s and how’s of great copywriting.
He shares his story of how he got the advice that led to $100MM+ in sales – all using different styles of copy and using no fancy words.
Then he takes you through the CORE 5-Steps in detail that he’s already covered in the webinar (if you’ve seen it). I won’t get into the specifics – but just understanding these 5 steps sets you up to become a much better copywriter.
What I REALLY like about the course layout is that each module has a QUIZ at the end and you need to score a minimum percentage to be able to unlock the next module.
I’m not kidding.
This is a new style of learning and it makes sense – because unless you’ve actually seen the module videos, there’s a high probability you won’t be able to pass the quiz to proceed to the next module.
Totally love the concept – because that’s what makes you actually pay attention during the training.
Core Modules
Copywriting Academy Certification
Just check out all these certification pics that C.A. members share in the FB group:
The certification is arguably the most active content type that I’ve seen in the Copywriting Academy Facebook group.
It does seem like an achievement to have gone through all the videos and all the quizzes – to get that shiny new certificate.
Academy Training Replays
If you miss any specific LIVE coaching call, then the replays will be available here.
This is your library of knowledge.
Blog Copywriting
Since I’ve created over 400 blogs and written content for most of them – I do know a thing or two about Blog Copywriting.
Which is why, Anik asked me to do a bonus module for C.A. members and I did just that.
I even did a webinar with Copywriting Academy students a few days after finishing the course, and the feedback was just AMAZING!
My Copywriting Academy Review
You see, the ability to sell through the art of the WRITTEN WORD is a “Must-Have” for every online Entrepreneur. Whether you’re selling via product reviews (like this one), or via Facebook ads, VSLs, WSLs, or even Webinars.
If you’re selling ANYTHING online, you need to master the skill of Copywriting. Period.
And not just for selling your own products. Copywriting is a skill that’s badly NEEDED in the industry.
If you showed me that you could write “product review copy” like this page – I would hire you on the spot. Not just me, there are thousands of small businesses online that badly need great copywriters.
Just imagine the potential when you become a Lurn Certified Copywriter. This is an industry-first copywriting certification in Interactive Marketing.
Anik did a live workshop where he taught advanced copywriting and got it recorded. Then he threw away those recordings because he wanted to make a better course. A few months later, he created the course again from scratch and threw THAT away too cause it wasn’t as impactful.
The version of Copywriting Academy you’ll see in the members area is actually Version 3 – which literally took 18+ months to create.
To sum it up, I give two thumbs up to Copywriting Academy. It’s easily one of Anik’s best works and the community that’s built around this product is the most passionate group of copywriters I have ever seen.
Ritoban’s Copywriting Academy Bonus
I don’t believe in lining up 10 private label products, assigning a random value to them, and then pitching them to you as bonuses. You’re smart enough NOT to fall for those 2007 tactics.
I want to EARN the commission I get for referring you to Copywriting Academy. And so, here are probably the BEST BONUSES you can get on the internet for buying C.A. – by a mile.
Bonus #1: Ritoban’s Copy Critique
Once you finish the course, get your certification, and start writing your own copy – I’ll be there looking over your shoulder.
I’ll critique your FIRST work as a certified copywriter. Whatever it is…
Webinar Deck, WSL, VSL, Emails, or even Ads.
No, I won’t ask my VA to send you a generic copy-pasted report. I’ll actually open up your work, turn on Screen Capture and do a live critique of the copy.
The advantage you get with my critique is that I understand DESIGN. I’m a visual copywriter, so I’ll also give you those sweet design suggestions that dramatically boost conversion rates.
Value: $997
Bonus #2: Your Copywriting Academy Concierge
Let’s face it – if you’re starting out with your online business, you need hand-holding. And yes, Anik’s team is brilliant and they will help you with whatever questions you have.
When you’re stuck. Or need someone else to look into your business and help you grow it – we’ll be there for you.
Nisha Garg – my head coach – has personally assisted over 1000 #Lurn students. Answered their queries, and helped them build their businesses.
You will have Nisha’s primary email address for addressing ALL your doubts. And if she can’t help you – I will PERSONALLY get on the task and help you out.
Value: $1997
Bonus #3: Ritoban’s Private Mastermind
I’ll give you access to my private Facebook group.
That’s where I publish all my insider tips, tricks, and secrets.
It’s like my little black book of secrets. And you get to be a part of it, ask questions, and pitch in.
I’m BIG on experimenting with marketing strategies – and you will be the FIRST to get a bird’s eye view of exactly what I’m doing in my business.
And you are more than welcome to COPY all my strategies in your business.
Value: $997
How To Get Your Bonuses
There are just two simple steps. Sorry if you expected more:
Step 1: Click this link and get enrolled in Copywriting Academy via the official website.
Step 2: Send an email to with the subject: “My Copywriting Academy Bonuses Please?”
We’ll take it from there.
Also, if you’ve enrolled in Copywriting Academy already, let the FSO community know YOUR review of the product by commenting below.
Your Turn To Become A Copywriter
- Training
- Impact on Business
- Value for Money
- Support
Copywriting Academy is Anik’s legacy course. In all the time I’ve known Anik – he’s THE GUY when it comes to writing copy that sells. He has poured his heart, soul, and passion in the course.
Sir please give me the link where I can buy copywriting academy please I want to buy it……
Hey Shubham, thank you for your interest. This is the link:
Was just watching you put together the pages on your 30 Day Challenge and was wondering how the copy came together so quickly for you. It’s simple, to the point and really grabs the reader’s attention.
I think we’ve been taught to believe the more sophisticated and “educated” your copy sounds the better which results in confusing and complex copy that no-one can be bothered to read.
Thanks so much for sharing this – I shall be having a look into this.
As a side, the layout of this site is really clean and crisp – is the theme or layout available to purchase at all?
Thank you for the feedback. Yes, in this age of ‘interactive marketing’ – simple and 4th grade grammar words work the best. That’s not to say sophisticated copy doesn’t work. It does in some markets, like higher education and politics. I have heavily optimized the theme ‘Schema’ for this site: