Last month We Built A Profitable Shopify Store From The Groud Up.
If you’re new to FSO we build businesses from scratch every 30 days…
The Bizathon Challenge!
Last month was a huge success, not just for our team, but for many.
Because of this, we’re continuing with Shopify as the focus for Bizathon4.
This month we’ll scale our Shopify income by utilizing pro-level tactics.
Enjoy the video as we reveal our Print On Demand (POD) strategy:
Get your notepad ready, today we’re blowing the lid off Print On Demand!
POD will blow up for eCommerce this coming year.
As you continue to scale and grow your Shopify Dropshipping business, this is definitely a strategy you need.
The cool part is that hybrid stores aren’t alone in benefiting from this technique.
You can also have a store 100% dedicated to Print On Demand.
By the end of this post you’ll have a strong understanding of POD.
POD Is An Alternative To AliExpress Shipping Times
Print On Demand has limitless scaling opportunities.
You find popular designs currently working for other stores, similar to how we find winning products.
Then offer to have them printed on t-shirts, hoodies, dog-tags, coffee mugs etc.
Simply upload a design to your Shopify store, offer variations on the designs then outsource the work from third party companies.
This is still drop-shipping, it’s just on another level.
You don’t do much beyond driving traffic and sales.
6-Step Print On Demand Strategy
Don’t steal designs, just modify existing designs.
Or find inspiration to create your own from scratch.
When you create your own version, it’s now yours and you’re the (C) holder.
Step 1 – Find Design Inspiration
The first step to find designs. Use other stores to tell you exactly what’s currently working.
Here are the 6 methods of finding designs:
Competitor Store
Locate any Shopify store and type the following code after the store URL:
www. InsertShopifyStoreName .com /collections/all?sort_by=best-selling
You can now see the bestsellers, starting with highest sales first, for any Shopify store.
Search AliExpress just like you would any other product. This time use the keyword “shirt” or “hoodie.”
FB Search
Again, same search technique as our other Shopify product selections. This time add the word “Shirt” or “Hoodie”
For example, “50% Off Free Shipping Shirt”
Niche Mix
Look for designs that can be easily duplicated across many niches.
For instane a t-shirt that says, “I Love Dogs!” can easily be modified to say, “I Love Cats!”
This tool has more than 30 Million products available, with more than 3 Billion “Saves.”
The more saves a product has, the more popular it is.
Simply search for tshirt designs and make note of the ones with the most saves.
This is powerful, easy to use tool that shows all metrics related to Print On Demand products and shops.
Quickly use the custom search to identify the newest, top selling, highest social media, most reviewed products.
Step 2 – Create Your Version
Once you find winning designs, modify yourself or hire somebody from UpWork or EasyOutsource to modify the designs for you.
Step 3 – Launch With The Help Of Apps
You don’t need to overlay the design on a bunch of different products.
There are apps that will build the virtual mockups for you.
This saves times and gives users a very clear picture of what to expect.
We are going to test 15 initial designs to determine what converts for us.
Step 4 – Run Facebook Ads To Determine Your Winning Designs
We are going to create an ad for each of the 15 designs.
Just like we did when choosing our initial Shopify Products.
We are rinsing and repeating.
The creative is the tshirt design you’re promoting.
All you need is one of the fifteen products to convert.
Check out our step-by-step guide on identifying winning products with Facebook.
Step 5 – Scale The Winning Ads
Take the winning ads and begin to target new audiences.
We have covered the Facebook Ad scaling process extensively already.
Simply follow the scaling steps in this post.
Step 6 – Repeat Steps One Through Five
Now that you know the process of building and scaling your POD Shopify Store, rinse and repeat the process.
You can scale this technique exponentially.
That’ll do it for Episode 14 – Great work!
Questions, comments or just want to say hi?
We love hearing from you in the comments section below!
Success by choice, not by chance,
-David Aston
If you’re not kept in the loop via our #Bizathon definitely sign up today.
Learning alot from your blog buddy,POD on a next level.
Awesome Samwel. Go go go
brother i am from kerala
and iam doing my college
so i was following with your bizathon
and i really have some serious doubts(typical indian problems) pls reply
This is great. Do you have 1 store or lots depending on a niche? Also, do you use Facebook stores?
Focus on 1 General store in the beginning. Shopify automatically sets up the FB shop for you.