Rito Entrepreneur, YouTuber, Digital Marketer. Founder of Flying Start Online. Dream big, make it happen, and just do what needs to be done!

Find “Hidden” Winning Dropshipping Products: Rabbit Hole Strategy (Bizathon6 Episode6)

2 min read

Find “Hidden” Winning Dropshipping Products

This could end up being one of the most important drop shipping posts you come across. 

There are millions of products available at wholesale prices with a direct shipping option. 

But how can you tell which ones will convert well for your own eCommerce business?

Enjoy the video as Rito performs a “deep dive”, using AliExpress’ algorithms:

Every day we use the power of AliExpress’ Algorithms to find high converting products. 

Think about it.

AliExpress is not really a drop shipping site, it’s an eCommerce website. 

And one primary objective of any eCommerce business is to increase average order value. 

When you visit any product page on AliExpress you’ll notice suggestions, keywords and related items because they want you to make a purchase. 

If you know what to look for, certain aspects of AliExpress reveal products likely to perform well for your own store.

Rabbit Hole Technique

Once upon a time AliExpress had a link on their homepage to their real-time best sellers.

That link has long since been removed.

Fortunately there’s still another way to reveal AliExpress best sellers.

AliExpress Best Sellers

AliExpress Best Selling Winning Products

Simple type the following URL into your web browser:


When you are perusing best selling products on AliExpress, you’ll begin by selecting a product or category like an iPhone case, “Outdoor” or “iPhone” and go from there.

Once you click on a product you’ll be taken to the store listing page, instead of the actual AliExpress product listing. 

For our strategy to work, you’ll need to access the actual product listing. 

To do so, click the url of the store’s product page you’ve been taken to and look for “.html”

To the left of this “.hmtl” portion of the URL, you’ll see a number coming after an underscore – copy that number up to the underscore.

For exaxmple-> aliexpress.com/item/blahblahblah/morenonsense/988272_123456789.html

You’d copy “123456789”

Now type the following into your browser’s URL:


You’ll now be able to see the true AliExpress product listing page which reveals best sellers from that particular vendor, top selling highly related products, and that particular product’s category bread crumbs.

Our favorite part of this “Rabbit Hole Technique” is the Related Search Terms provided at the bottom of the product listing page.

You now have insight into the exact products people are searching for and can add items to your website accordingly.

Category Drilling Technique

AliExpress Dropshipping Winning Product Category Drilling

Category drilling is another technique to use along with the Rabbit Hole Technique.

In order to really seek out the less saturated, high converting products, continue to narrow down the categories for each new product you choose.

For instance, once you choose “iPhone” you can narrow it down again to “iPhone 7” and then again to “iPhone 7 Case.”

Click “Free Shipping,” and “4Stars & Up.”

We do this for a couple reasons.

The first being when you drill deeper into the category, fewer competitors will see the same products.

The second reason being you want not only unique products, but products that many people have already purchased and reviewed.

Again you want to locate products that aren’t already being heavily promoted by your competitors.

This is one way to try and ensure that.

That’ll do it for Episode 6 – Great work!

Questions, comments or just want to say hi?

We love hearing from you in the comments below!


If you’re not kept in the loop via our #Bizathon definitely sign up today.

P.P.S. Click here for Episode 7!

Rito Entrepreneur, YouTuber, Digital Marketer. Founder of Flying Start Online. Dream big, make it happen, and just do what needs to be done!

6 Replies to “Find “Hidden” Winning Dropshipping Products: Rabbit Hole Strategy (Bizathon6…”

  1. hey rito,
    i am your subscriber
    i wanted to ask why that keyword is not showing to me (the pure gold) at the end bottom of the product page, it just not load up!

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