Last month We Built A Profitable Shopify Store From The Groud Up.
If you’re new to FSO we build businesses from scratch every 30 days…
The Bizathon Challenge!
Last month was a huge success, not just for our team, but for many.
Because of this, we’re continuing with Shopify as the focus for Bizathon4.
This month we’ll scale our Shopify income by utilizing pro-level tactics.
Enjoy the video and increase profits new high-level hybrid store techniques:
You’ve been waiting for this hybrid Shopify strategy for a while now.
I’ve mentioned it in the past, and it’s finally here!
So what are hybrid Shopify stores?
They’re drop-shipping stores with a twist.
To stand out in a saturated market, you’ve got to set yourself apart.
Everybody and their step-mon gets products from AliExpress.
Yes, it can be very profitable.
But today we’re sharing with you other ways to succeed with Shopify.
In this case, you won’t need to use AliExpress exclusively.
Use These Hybrid Shopify Store Strategies
Hybrid stores offer your existing customer a more diverse shopping experience.
While allowing you to expand to a more diverse customer base altogether.
Increase traffic and revenue to your store by implementing the following tactics…
Print On Demand
This has become a pretty huge craze.
You’re drop-shipping, but now you’re selling t-shirts, hoodies, dog tags etc.
All with your own designs.
Creating unique and exclusive products for your shop and your customers.
All the deisgns will be created and held by you!
We’ll go more in detail on this technique in the coming videos.
Mix Up Your Product Sources
Ebay, Wanelo, Amazon, and many others can be used on top of AliExpress.
Drop-ship from a vast number of reliable platforms directly to your customers.
If you find a unique product on any of these platforms, you’re in good shape because the competition is much lower.
Use 3PL
This is an advanced technical concept.
Only take this on when you have products you’re 100% confident with.
3PL refers to Third Party Logistics.
This is where you get products shipped from AliBaba to U.S. warehouses.
There are countless 3PL companies in the United States.
And they fulfill the product orders on your behalf.
They’re well integrated with Shopify and have countless apps available to assist.
Simply find products on AliBaba and negotiate deals for bulk orders.
Then close a solid shipping deal with a 3pl company to see major profits.
The major reason being you’re now able to brand products with your own company logo.
This is the next stage of growth.
With 3PL you’re bulk ordering products from the likes of AliBaba.
Most of these products are from the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer).
You don’t even have to create a new Shopify store or start from scratch.
You can continue scaling your current business with these new techniques.
Most eCommerce owners, especially those of Shopify stores, ignore these.
But this is a huge revolution with the entire industry likely moving in this hybrid store direction in the not so distant future.
In the next video we’ll be diving deeper into print on demand.
Infact we’ll dive much deeper into all of these concepts in the coming videos.
Stay tuned.
That’ll do it for Episode 13 – Great work!
Questions, comments or just want to say hi?
We love hearing from you in the comments section below!
Success by choice, not by chance,
-David Aston
If you’re not kept in the loop via our #Bizathon definitely sign up today.
I am Nityanand
Interested to start a hybrid store.
I am new to shopify.
please help me in this regard
waiting for your rply
Just follow the tutorials in my videos.