Last month We Built A Profitable Shopify Store From The Groud Up.
If you’re new to FSO we build businesses from scratch every 30 days…
The Bizathon Challenge!
Last month was a huge success, not just for our team, but for many.
Because of this, we’re continuing with Shopify as the focus for Bizathon4.
This month we’ll scale our Shopify income by utilizing pro-level tactics.
Watch the video for the answers to your common questions and a surprise:
Our Shopify business is steadily growing.
On a weekly basis we add about 3 new products.
Ideally we’d like to add 3 products per day and 21 products per week.
We’ll get there…
When adding a new (winning) product, replicate your existing ad strategies.
Click here to review our Shopify Facebook Ad Strategy.
Now that I got that off my chest, let’s dive into YOUR questions!
5 Shopify Business Problems Solved
These were the most commonly occurring questions we’ve received this week…
Q) How Many Influencers Should I Utilize?
A) Begin With 1 At A Time
You goal is to identify a few that generate sales for you and scale from there. Basically the concept is similar to identifying winning products. We’re trying to find our winning influencers!
Q) Why Has My EPC Dropped So Much?
A) Black Friday Causes A Spike In Everybody’s Promos
Costs per click, and costs per impression will always be higher during the holidays especially Black Friday through Cyber Monday.
After the new year, costs per click and impression will begin to level back out. Additionally if your ads are highly targeted and engaging with your audience, FB will reward you with enhanced ad performance without breaking your bank.
Q) What Are The Best Tips For Ad Copywriting
A) Don’t Just Describe What An Item Does.
Write seductive product descriptions that gets users to buy! The secret to doing so is a proven 4-step process of engaging, persuading, and selling. Click here to master the formula.
Q) Where Do You Source Your Products?
A) We Source Most Of Our Products From China
The majority of products sold on our Shopify stores come from manufacturers in China. We contact these manufacturers via AliExpress. If you’ve not yet sourced your first winning products, visit this post and discover exactly how we do it.
Q) When Will You Next Visit The United States?
A) Team FSO Will Return To America In 2018
While certain team members like myself already live state-side, Rito resides in India. He last visited early 2017 and won’t return again until 2018. Rest assured when he visits next we’ll announce it and likely present opportunities to connect with us.
Q) Why Do I Feel Like There’s More To Implement?
A) There Always Is!
To this day, every day, whenever we browse a webpage, facebook group etc. I learn something new everything single day that I can apply to my business to further scale and improve my own entrepreneurial abilities. The learning will never stop so long as your invested and passionate about your business. As time progresses you will continuously improve as a businessperson so long as you consistently take action.
Q) Which Shopify Theme Do You Use?
A) We Use Dropship Theme
Its the fastest, highest converting dropshipping theme available.
Q) Where Has All Of Your Shopify Traffic Come From?
A) Facebook Ads!
Nearly all of our traffic and sales have been generated with Facebook ads. With the exception being a few sales from Instagram Influencers.
Q) Is It Ok To Have Text On Video Ads?
A) Yes and no.
You can have text on the actual video, no problem. You won’t be penalized for excess text on video so long as you implement a custom thumbnail. The issue is having less than 20% of the video thumbnail area containing text.
Q) Should My Ads Always Target Engaged Shoppers?
A) No, Not Always.
We create 4 adsets to test new products. Each with a $5 budget. We have some with engaged shoppers on 2 and the other two utilize different targeting without including engaged shoppers. We do this to vary our audience size. We like to keep our audience size between 100K to 1M people. We’ve had ads without engagement targeted outperform other ads targeting engaged users. Just depends on the ad, your copy and the product you’re promoting.
Q) Is It Ok For Products To Include Manufacturer Info?
A) Yes, That’s Fine.
Often times when a customer purchases from our store they will see something from the original manufacturer on their parcel. We’ve never had an issue or anybody return a package because of this. Therefore It’s a non-issue. All that matters is your customers receive the products they pay for.
That’ll do it for Episode 11 – Great work!
Questions, comments or just want to say hi?
We love hearing from you in the comments section below!
Success by choice, not by chance,
-David Aston
If you’re not kept in the loop via our #Bizathon definitely sign up today.
P.P.S. Click here for Episode 12!
Waiting for episode 12,very infomartive and detailed,Thanks for taking your time to share these valuable infomation about dropshipppping.
All episodes of Bizathon3 and 4 are out